Saturday, February 26, 2005

Winter in Paris

Paris Pont nuef???
Originally uploaded by furbyx4.
........Its 8am its a saturday, it's far too early to be at work, it's cold, I'm hungover, its snowing, the coffee wasn't very good in the hotel, I wish I'd brought a warmer jacket, it's my first time in Paris in the winter(If late February is winter)

I've been to Paris loads of times, a few times for holidays, but mostly for meetings, conferences etc. Its always in the summer, and I always like Paris. I love the joie de vivre(I also can't speak a word of French).

Despite the cold, this was a beautiful crisp morning. A little snow flutters around. Not the brown slush collecting at the side of the road that you get in less classy cities, but romantic wistful snow, that makes you want to write poetry.

Maybe my brain has been affected by lack of sleep, too much work, boring meetings, pointless discussions, cold toes, not enough coffee, too much beer....

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Ah!!!!! I've turned into a birdwatcher

Originally uploaded by furbyx4.
This is my second photo of a bird. Is it coincidence that I have seen impressive birds in the first two months of this year? Has my sister converted me to an animal lover? Or is it some Freudian obsession with Sesame Street.

This a Stork in The Hague. It would appear it is there town emblem and mascot type thing. I read somewhere on the internet that its because in the olden days.(Pre Electric guitar), the storks used to clean up all the crap after the fish market had been in town, thus ensuring that people did die from some rotting-fishhead bourne disease. Now there's a fact you didn't know!


Originally uploaded by furbyx4.
Parents are here. Took a day trip to The Hague

The Mauritshuis in the Hague. Vermeers and Rembrandts and a far more manageable size than the RijksMuseum in Amsterdam.