Saturday, October 22, 2005

Saturday night in the other Gollem

Another quiet saturday. we are getting very heavy rain, so the will to leave the house and take to the weather beaten streets with a hangover is not strong. Our German friend who was in Japan for a month got back yesterday, so she comes over for a cuppa, saving us from leaving the house for want of something to do.

It's Saturday night, and we feel we should be off out on a great adventure, but it just doesn't seem to be happening tonight. Maybe this is the start of the depressing amsterdam winter where people party and socialise less and the city winds down to recover from the tourist heavy summer. We're going to settle on a few beers with the lads at the 2nd Gollem. It's good night of talking about nothing which ends reasonably early.

I get soaked on the way home.

The one good thing that came out of the night is that we introduced The Kiwi to the "Don't mention the war" episode of Fawlty Towers:

Cleese: "Everyone stop talking about the war!!!"
German:"You started it"
Cleese: "No I didn't. You invaded Poland"

Comic Genius(Even though it is a little racisit)

Slaap Lekker.....

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