Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday passed without incident. We didn't go to the Zotte, and given that it was midweek, we stayed in and I cooked Curry:

On Thursday I was out of Amsterdam for the day, so I didn't see Paprika until late at night. Because there were very few alcohol based landmarks that I could meet her at, and I was coming from a train station, it was the Zotte with my boss:

It turned into quite a sesh. It started with an Orval:

and fuelled by spicey sausages....


......fresh brown bread.......



moved to Chimay Blue:

The music was also flowing, we had some soundgarden:

.....happy mondays....


Eventually when it was getting too busy, we decided to have a beer outside at the bar next door.This idea was soon rained off and we headed for home. Although Paprika was drunk, you'd hardly recognise the drinking constitution that arrived last friday.

It's almost June, but no one seems to have told the weather. I was really disappointed that Paprika didn't get better weather, cos Amsterdam really is wonderful in the sun.

We find ourselves cycling home through what becomes torrential rain.

We are hardly dressed for winter, and it just seems to be getting worse and worse and worse... intelligence would have dictated that we should have taken the tram, but getting an Amsterdammer to give up his bike isn't as easy as that.

On the last turn before home, I slide on a wet tram track, and we're on the ground. Luckily Paprika is unscathed, and apart from a leg that is still several shades of Blue, yellow and purple from ankle to knee, I came off okay.

From the gutter, we dust ourselves down and head for home..... Paprika's trip to Amsterdam seems to become more complete by the day.

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