Monday, August 01, 2005

Back in the Dam: Out on the Pool

I had a really interesting night. I went, with The Kiwi, to a pool hall with some of his English work mates.

In Scotland, we waste much of our teenage and pub years playing pool. We have two scale's of "Ladness", how much you can drink, and how good a pool player you are. They aren't extremely valid currencies, and don't turn up that many CV's but they can come in pretty handy.

I enjoy a game of pool - we had a pool table in my high school, so we played quite a lot and I used to play a little bit of snooker(maximum break not much more than 8). Pool is not really that widespread in Amsterdam outside of tourist sports bars, so I was quite pleased to get invited to a pool hall to knock some balls around with the lads.

I was a little apprehensive, no matter how liberal and accepting Amsterdam is, pool is still something that's played in dodgy bars where you want to look good in front of people in order to avoid getting beaten up.

I'm pleased when I turn up and we are the only ones in the hall - this way if my pool playing has deteriorated beyond belief I put up with it for a while and then leave. Fortunately on my first shot i clear 6 of the 7 balls, and my positioning play is absolutely perfect.

The lads are suitably impressed, I'm suitably relieved and I can relax back into drinking a few quiet beers, enjoying some conversation and enjoying the luxury of not having to concentrate too much on my playing.

Drinks with British lads(And a kiwi) reminded me of the cultural differences. I felt like I was closer to home for the evening - same bad jokes, few beers, bad pool and relaxation. Couldn't hack it every night - but tonight was fun.

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