Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Copenhagen was very nice - I didn't get much time there, but there seems to be lots to see, the people all seem to speak english and everyone is very friendly.

In order to get my luggage back from the previous nights hotel, I had to cross town after the conference. Now as with most cities, the usual options exist - bus, metro taxi - but in Copenhagen you also have the option of using one of the public bikes. They are dotted around at various points throughout the city, and you basically put a 20 Krona piece in them and get it back when you chain the bike up again - very much like a supermarket shopping trolley:

One strange thing about Copenhagen is the number of Scottish theme bars. Irish theme bars have been well established for sometime. There's one in every major city i the world. But Scottish bar's while similar haven't had the same success. I spot four or five Scottish bar's in my touring around for the 36 hours or so that I was there.

I opt not to go into them - cos I have been in Scotland at the weekend, but maybe if there was a bar in Amsterdam like that, which served Haggis and a good pint of shitty tennants, I'd be there every now and then for a taste of home.

I'm afraid that's the only bloggable Copenhagen, as I had to rush off back to Amsterdam in order to make it to Bulgaria, but I'll look forward to any future trips to Denmark.

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