Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I am at one of those get to know your colleagues bonding sessions. It is in the middle of nowhere in the Netherlands; otherwise known as near Den Bosch:

Now this would be horrible no metter where it was, but I have the added complication that it's all in Dutch, a language whose comprehension hurts my head. I suppose I should be glad of the practice and immersion in the language, but given that I have work to do, and don't really beleive that any of the hippy shit about communicating was heard by any of the people in the room(Ironic huh??), I'm not in th best of moods.

After saying Assertiveness, Facilitate and constructive at key moments during the two days. I'm heading off in a Taxi towards Den Bosch and then onto Schiphol Airport for a meeting in Leeds. The girl in the taxi seems quite excited to have a genuine Scotsman in her car and asks if I am impressed by the Dutch countryside:

I'm not in the mood to be tactful and tell her that I've been in Scotland for the past two weeks and the flat countries aren't really doing it for me.

I'm like a zombie all the way to leeds, with the only escapism being Muriel Gray's book on climbing:

It's a good means of fantisising about road trips in Scotland and it's a funny and easy to read book.

I'm very glad when I manage to finally get my head down on the pillow of a comfort inn and settle into some good british telly.......

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