Saturday, January 21, 2006

Star Wars Monopoly or The Blues Brothers

After another quieter than hoped for friday night(This is becoming habit!!), I'm fresh in the morning and head to the gym. I'm actually looking forward to seeing how different classic albums work as exercise soundtracks. During the week, I nearly broke a stepping machine while listening to mother's milk:

After a Billy Morrison suggestion... I pulled out an old classic I've not heard in a while, which gets you rowing:

Along with Dookie, this would get a corpse moving on a rowing machine.

I've yet to attempt Nine Inch nails, but today I have lots of time, so I'm going to go for the whole MellonCollie and the Infinite sadness exercise:

I won't say too much about this, cos I have a full review drafted that I want to put up here, but it's an album which keeps on kicking me with adrenaline and keeps me moving. At one point on the rowing machine, the music takes me and I go into a sprint till a guitar solo finishes. I'm puggled when I leave the gym.

After the gym, I have a slow cycle to Diemen for an appointment with the Bulgarians. I got Star Wars Monopoly for Christmas, and I;ve been promising to bring it over for a game all year:

It takes us a while, but after what seems like an endless stream of visitors, we settle down to a game of Monopoly. Obi Wan is ecstatic, as are the males in the room who all go like big kids as soon as we say statements like:

"Do you want to buy an X-Wing for 200"

We stick on the Blues Brothers in the background:

It turns out that one of number hasn't seen it. It''s one of my favourite films, so I'm really enjoying watching someone experience all the great moments for the first time. Obi wan is none too pleased. It's clear that less and less attention is being paid to the Monopoly. He gives us an ultimatum; Are we watching the Blues Brothers or are we playing Monopoly???

He was unhappy with the answer, so the Monopoly gets cleared up and he heads off to play in his room in the huff...... I feel bad, but c'mon.... It's the Blues Brothers!!!

......before long, he is bored so comes down and asks us what the film is anyway. He sits on the edge of the couch with his arms folded. It's clear we are meant to know he's in a bad mood. It's the scene where Carrie FIsher has shot at the blues brothers with an assault rifle and jake has crawled towards her to sweet talk them into letting her escape. Carrie Fisher says "Oh jake I love you". At this Obi Wan huffily says:

"No you don't. You love Han Solo!!!"

He's even in the huff with Carrie Fisher.

After the film we cure any huff with a little boogie to Ray Charles "Shake your tailfeather"

Th clear solution would be to have played Blues Brother's Monopoly...

I head off to catch up with some other bulgarians at a Jazz but by the time I make it back to the centre, they are heading home... SO I join them there for a few Bacardi and cokes and a DVD....

I cycle home very tired through the cold breeze of early morning Amsterdam.....

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