Thursday, February 02, 2006

Back to Scotland

With barely time to catch my breath after our inbred beer adventures, I have another day of Dutch bondage before heading off to Scotland to see my sister. She's back in the UK to renew her US visa, and what with her lack of holiday allowance and my allergy to Wisconsin, we doon;t see each other as often as we'd like to.

I arrive to be greeted by my father withe customary bottle of Irn Bru...

We head into Glasgow to wait for my brother to finish uni and I meet The Cadet for a coffee. I am planning to go hill walking while I'm over, so I go to an outdoor shop and pick up a few things. I'm excited at just being in the climbing shop - so many munros and so little time. I'm sure I wouldn't get like this if I still lived in Scotland.

The reason Scotland has these beautiful peaks is not because we have highlands and lowlands, but because they were two different land masses which crashed together millions of years ago.. giving us these huge grey craggy rocks which stick up from anywhere about the fault line....

The Netherlands had a similar landscape, huge peaks with wonderful views, but after the invention of the motor car they flattened their small country as they knew that cylcing would always be cheaper than fuel. Economically sound, but to the detrement of their scenary.

Anyway... after some purchasment and a quick coffee it's time to pick up my brother and head down to sunny ayrshire... we drop The Cadet off and head through the clyde tunnel.

Back in Ayrshire I quickly say hello to my sister and then the whole family heads off for dinner. It's the first time the whole family has been in Scotland It's strange going for family dinner, as it happens so seldom, yet it always seems like yesterday since we were all sitting round a table. Maybe it's just one of those things that you do so often, that you will always take it for granted.

Following dinner, it's an early night to prepare for the weekend ahead....

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