Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Shiatsu - The new cannabis

After a long stressful shitty day, where the only light relief was when my mother came on msn asking for my chest measurements (I had to wrap an iPod cable round myself and then measure the length of it using A4 paper to the confused looks of the other people in the room), I needed some relief.

Traditionally this comes in the form of a beer, but unfortunately I'm here alone, and everyone I am on terms enough to have a beer with is busy. I decide to succumb(I blame T in the park) to the Shiatsu massage offered by a little set of shops within the hotel.

Being naive and coming from a country where Massage parlours and Sauna's masquerade as brothels, I'm a little apprehensive about stepping inside the frosted glass doors, based purely on the fact that it says Masiezce or something in the window which could be Massage. The huge big woman on the other side confirms that they are not prostitutes(Unless this is an extremely specialist brothel.)

I pay 80 Zloty's(About 20 Euros), and I get a 1 hour massage. If me and the Big Yin were chilled after 30 minutes - imagine what I'm like after 1 hour. I go to my room for a quick drink of water and then hit the town in search of dinner. I chose the most chilled music in my iPod - Sigur Ros' "Agaetis Byrjun" Some of the most relaxing music on my ipod:

So I'm off walking. For some reason all the colours look different when I'm outside, and I'm walking at about half a mile an hour. I won't even try to describe Sigur Ros, only to say that it's the perfect soundtrack for walking around a strange town floppy when the sky appears to have changed to psychedelic colours.

I was maybe imagining it. Could there have been hallucinogins in the massage oil? Who knows. Next massage I reckon I'm going to try a Pink Floyd Album.

Judge for yourself - I took some photos:


Anonymous said...

amazing photographs.......I am going to listen to Pink Floyd to get the full effect!

NeilM said...

Hello Mr Anonymous - Who are you?

Anonymous said...

It's me!